Hey there, just wanted to give you a quick update that the blog post is still a work in progress. I'll let you know as soon as I have the time and motivation to finish it up. Thanks for your patience and stay tuned!

In late 2022, I made the decision to pursue a career in neuroscience. Now, three months into 2023, I am grateful to be pursuing my passion in a field that I had missed for nearly a decade.
Looking back to 2014, I was torn between my passion for speech perception and my curiosity for the brain and mind. Despite my fascination with the latter, I hesitated to pursue it due to the scholarship I had received for computational linguistics.

Fast forward to my second Master's degree in Psychology of Language at the University of Edinburgh, and I found myself immersed in a world of neuroimaging results and cognitive processes. Although I lacked practical experience in neuroscience, I soon discovered that my love for perception persisted.
Eventually, I found my niche in hearing technology, a field that aligned closely with speech technology. My journey into this field began in Southampton, where I worked alongside Professor Stefan Bleeck to develop deep learning algorithms for enhancing speech in hearing aids.

In late 2022, I made the decision to pursue a career in neuroscience. Now, three months into 2023, I am grateful to be pursuing my passion in a field that I had missed for nearly a decade.
Looking back to 2014, I was torn between my passion for speech perception and my curiosity for the brain and mind. Despite my fascination with the latter, I hesitated to pursue it due to the scholarship I had received for computational linguistics.

Fast forward to my second Master's degree in Psychology of Language at the University of Edinburgh, and I found myself immersed in a world of neuroimaging results and cognitive processes. Although I lacked practical experience in neuroscience, I soon discovered that my love for perception persisted.
Eventually, I found my niche in hearing technology, a field that aligned closely with speech technology. My journey into this field began in Southampton, where I worked alongside Professor Stefan Bleeck to develop deep learning algorithms for enhancing speech in hearing aids.
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